Coming Soon
Courses under development
Our Chemistry Lessons playlist gives you practical help for the topics that chemistry students often struggle with. Each video has multiple example problems worked out in full.
Mathematica Essentials is a comprehensive first course in Mathematica. Mathematica can be used in ANY computational field: financial analysis, machine learning, data visualization, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and much, much more.
In this course you'll learn about Groups - a key, abstract structure used throughout Abstract Algebra and beyond. We'll cover homomorphisms, cyclic groups, ways to build groups, and much more.
Unlock the power of data with our Google Analytics course! Learn to navigate the dashboard, track user behavior, set goals, and drive sales. Master advanced features and turn raw data into actionable insights.
This course will take you on an awe-inspiring journey, spanning billions of years, from the origins of life on Earth to the evolution of modern human populations.