Ender's Game
by Orson Scott Card
Ender’s Game tells the story of what happens when a brilliant child IS properly educated - at least, properly educated in order to achieve a certain goal. In Ender Wiggins’s family, he’s one of three brilliant children. It’s sort of a Goldilocks problem - his elder brother is smart but disgustingly cruel. His elder sister is smart but too gentle to do what it takes. But Ender, the third child, is just right. Just the right blend of intelligence and when it calls for it - the killer instinct.
Kimberly Hatch Harrison explores \(\textit{\textbf{Ender's Game}}\)
by Orson Scott Card
“Ender's Game is an essential read for gifted kids and adults who were gifted children. And anyone who is supposed to be raising or educating gifted kids. \[\\\] We don't just root for Ender. We ARE Ender. ”
Kimberly Hatch HarrisonFahrenheit 451