Course curriculum

    1. Volume 1 - Syllabus

    2. Welcome

    3. Introduction to Python

    4. Installing Python

    5. replit

    6. Visual Studio Code

    1. What is 'syntax'?

    2. Indentation and Code Formatting

    3. Variables and Data Types

    4. Comparing Variables

    5. Arithmetic

    6. Introduction to Data Types

    7. Strings

    8. Numbers

    9. Booleans

    1. Introduction to Data Collections

    2. Lists

    3. Tuples

    4. Sets

    5. Dictionaries

    1. What is Control Flow?

    2. Conditionals

    3. If, Then, Else

    4. Loops

    1. Functions

    2. Lambda Expressions

    1. Text Files

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Release Notes

Version 0.6

2023-11-15: Launch day nearing; work continues.